Getting Started

Small business isn’t small to us

They’re the engine that drives our local economy sparking innovation, creating jobs, and supporting our little league teams.

abilene business owner

Thinking of starting your own business?

This is why Abilene is a great place for self-starters and entrepreneurs.

Abilene is, as the song goes, “deep in the heart of Texas,” roughly two hours from Dallas and four hours from Austin, but with a population that’s just a fraction of the size. As home to first-rate educational systems, Abilene offers access to a high-quality workforce, as well as plentiful resources for entrepreneurs and opportunities for growth, making it an ideal location to launch a small business. Its redeveloping downtown caters to the urban lifestyle millennials crave, making it a mecca for young professionals — Abilene has the largest young professionals network in West Texas.

We’ve compiled a wide array of resources to walk alongside you on your small business journey no matter where you're at. Need direct assistance? Reach out to our team.

Milos Barber

Entrepreneur’s Guide

Starting and growing a business in Abilene & Taylor County.

We’re thrilled you’ve decided to embark on the adventure of a lifetime - starting your own business. We’re even more thrilled that you’ve found this guide to help you on your journey.

Each entrepreneur is unique. No matter what level of business experience or expertise, the Entrepreneur’s Guide: Starting and Growing a Business in Abilene & Taylor County will provide you with valuable information that will help with business startup and growth. Dive in today!

Abilene's Entrepreneur Support Ecosystem

Your connections and links to organizations in the Abilene ecosystem.

Contact for More Information

Hudson Ewing

Regional Resource Coordinator
